Hopewell Family Care

A family health clinic that pairs modern medicine with integrative therapies including nutrition, herbalism, essential oils, and chiropractic referral. We promote lifestyles that encourage prevention of disease and highly value educating our patients. We see patients with acute and chronic issues and offer a variety of treatment options.



Hopewell Family Care provides comprehensive pediatric care from birth through adolescence. We support breastfeeding as a first option. We have a lactation counselor on staff.  We believe that breastfeeding is the best option for the baby, and strive to help infants diagnosed with tongue or lip ties to still engage in a successful breastfeeding relationship through our partnership and referral program to Centennial Lactation Group. 

This office does not enforce any one particular vaccination schedule. HFC does encourage its patients to familiarize themselves with the most up-to-date literature regarding vaccine in order to assist them with vaccine schedule decisions. We will support your family, regardless of the schedule you choose.


Hopewell Family Care provides comprehensive care for adult men and women. We encourage wellness exams to prevent the progression of disease later in life. We strive to help each person gain an awareness of diet and nutrition and acknowledge the importance of treating the whole person - mind, body and spirit. We do our best to find the root cause of symptoms. We attempt to treat individuals, not just diseases.

We understand that food, environment, chemicals, individual predisposition, life choices, and a person’s medical history can contribute to disturbing the very delicate systems of the body, making one sick. We endeavor to help our patients understand how these elements interact and affect one's health.  We guide our patients through improving and eliminating symptoms, not just masking them through pharmaceuticals.